Validation - updating tests

Open up app/tests/cases/EmployeesControllerTest.php and add a 'department' to $_records, e.g.:

// ...
    public function testAdd() {
        $this->assertEqual(2, count(Employees::all()));
        $request = new Request();
        $request->data = array(
            'name' => 'Brand new user',
            'department' => 'Scamping and nonsense'
        // ...

Let's check that the model won't save without a department. We open up app/tests/cases/models/EmployeesTest.php and we're adding a setUp method, as well as testDepartmentIsMandatory. We're also no longer using our MockEmployee because we can connect to our test database for extra realism:

namespace app\tests\cases\models;

use app\models\Employees;
use li3_fixtures\test\Fixtures;

class EmployeesTest extends \lithium\test\Unit {

    public function setUp() {
            'db' => array(
                'adapter' => 'Connection',
                'connection' => 'default',
                'fixtures' => array(
                    'Employee' => 'app\tests\fixture\EmployeeFixture',

    public function testEmployeeHaveNames() {
        $this->assertEqual('string', Employees::hasField('name')['type']);

    public function testDepartmentIsMandatory() {
        $employee = Employees::create(array(
            'name' => 'No department'

        $errors = $employee->errors();
            'Please let us know what department this person works in.',

Now we're going to add a new test to app/tests/cases/controllers/EmployeesControllerTest.php:

// ...

use app\models\Employees;

// ...
    public function testDepartmentIsMandatory() {
        $this->assertEqual(2, count(Employees::all()));
        $request = new Request();
        $request->data = array('name' => 'Departmentless user');
        $controller = new EmployeesController(array('request' => $request));
        $response = $controller->add();
            'Please let us know what department this person works in.',
        $this->assertEqual(2, count(Employees::all()));

This test ensures that the user cannot save a member of Employees to the database without specifying a department.

For more on validation, read the Li3 documentation