More on helpers

This book's not really about delving into the guts of Li3 too much but I think this bears explaining. When we call this line:

// ...
        return $this->_render(__METHOD__, 'link', compact('url', 'title'));
// ...

li3's method _render gets kicked off. There is a bit of code in there that finds some strings by going through all the handlers it "knows about":

// ...
        if ($this->_context) {
            foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
                $handler = isset($options['handlers'][$key]) ? $options['handlers'][$key] : $key;
                $params[$key] = $this->_context->applyHandler(
                    $this, $method, $handler, $value, $options
            $strings = $this->_context->strings();

It finds the "link" string from the class lithium\template\helper\Html and uses that.

We can change it:

namespace app\extensions\helper;

use lithium\security\Auth;

class LoginLogoutControl extends \lithium\template\Helper {
    protected $_strings = array(
        'loginControl' => '<li><a href="{:url}">{:title}</a></li>',
    public function link($loginUrl, $logoutUrl) {
        if (Auth::check('admin')){
            $url = $logoutUrl;
            $title = 'Log out';
        } else {
            $url = $loginUrl;
            $title = 'Admin log in';
        return $this->_render(__METHOD__, 'loginControl', compact('url', 'title'));

Now, we are no longer using the build in string "link", we've defined our own "loginControl". "loginControl" is not super fancy or anything, it simply has an additional <li /> tag wrapping it and loses the {:options} placeholder. Hopefully this demonstrates the concept!