Authentication - creating a user

We went through all that business, and we can't even log in! There's not point trying to add the user in MySQL because the password would not be hashed, and as Tempa T might say, that would be a STRONG PAR.

Symfony2 has a bundle called FOSUserBundle which has functionality to add users via the command line. We're going to build something similar, but much simpler. In the process, we'll learn about writing command line tasks in Li3 - it's more than "just" a web framework!

The Li3 console documentation shows us how to create a console command, and we're going to do just that :-)

Create app/extensions/command/AdministratorCreate.php and add:

namespace app\extensions\command;

use app\models\Administrators;

class AdministratorCreate extends \lithium\console\Command {

    public function run() {
        $this->header('Administrator Creator');
        $this->out('Creating an admin...');
        $admin = Administrators::create();
        $admin->username = "brucewayne";
        $admin->password = "gothamknight";
        $this->out('Created user ' . $admin->username);

Now, from the command line, run the li3 command to see that our new administrator-create command now exists:

$ ./libraries/lithium/console/li3             
COMMANDS via app


Notice "COMMANDS via app" now has a new task administrator-create - let's run it now:

$ ./libraries/lithium/console/li3 administrator-create
Administrator Creator
Creating an admin...
Created user brucewayne

So now we have a user!

You'd probably want to parameterise this command so that you can pass in the username and password as command line arguments, rather than hard code it like this

Let's log in on page /administrators/login as username "brucewayne", password "gothamknight". Once you've logged in, you should be able to add users!

Sounds like we'd better get this tested!