Authentication - updating our tests

We've got a new test for our administrator controller, but unfortunately a quick test run shows a problem:

$ ./libraries/lithium/console/li3 test app/tests 



8 / 9 passes
1 fail and 0 exceptions

Failed assertion assertEqual.
 Class   : app\tests\cases\controllers\EmployeesControllerTest
 Method  : testAdd()
 Line    : 61
expected: 3
result: 2

app/tests/cases/controllers/EmployeesControllerTest.php will need to be updated so that it tests firstly that non-authenticated users cannot add Employees, and secondly that authenticated Administrators can add Employees.

Here is my updated test:

namespace app\tests\cases\controllers;

use app\controllers\EmployeesController;
use lithium\action\Request;
use app\models\Employees;
use li3_fixtures\test\Fixtures;
use lithium\net\http\Router;
use app\controllers\AdministratorsController;

class EmployeesControllerTest extends \lithium\test\Unit {
    public function setUp() {
            'db' => array(
                'adapter' => 'Connection',
                'connection' => 'default',
                'fixtures' => array(
                    'administrators' =>
                    'employees' => 'app\tests\fixture\EmployeesFixture',


    public function tearDown() {

    // helper methods

    protected function logIn() {
        $adminUser = \app\models\Administrators::create();
        $adminUser->username = 'foobar';
        $adminUser->password = 'barbar';

        $loginRequest = new Request();
        $loginRequest->data = array(
            'username' => 'foobar',
            'password' => 'barbar'

        $adminController = new AdministratorsController(
            array('request' => $loginRequest)
        $response = $adminController->login();
        $this->assertEqual(302, $response->status['code']);

        return $response;

    // actual tests

    public function testIndexListsEmployeesInTheDatabase() {
        $request = new Request();
        $request->data = array();
        $controller = new EmployeesController(array('request' => $request));

        $result = $controller->index();
        $this->assertEqual("Foobar", $result['employees'][1]->name);
        $this->assertEqual("Bazbip", $result['employees'][2]->name);

    public function testViewShowsAnIndividualEmployeeMember() {
        $request = new Request();
        $request->data = array();
        $controller = new EmployeesController(array('request' => $request));

        $result = $controller->view(1);
        $this->assertEqual("Foobar", $result['employee']->name);

    public function testAddCannotBeUsedByNonAuthenticatedUsers() {
        $this->assertEqual(2, count(Employees::all()));
        $request = new Request();
        $request->data = array(
            'name' => 'Brand new user',
            'department' => 'Scamping and nonsense'
        $controller = new EmployeesController(array('request' => $request));
        $response = $controller->add();
        $this->assertEqual(302, $response->status['code']);
        $this->assertEqual(2, count(Employees::all()));

    public function testAddCanBeUsedByAdministrators() {

        // create a new user
        $this->assertEqual(2, count(Employees::all()));
        $request = new Request();
        $request->data = array(
            'name' => 'Brand new user',
            'department' => 'Scamping and nonsense'
        $controller = new EmployeesController(array('request' => $request));
        /* @var $response \lithium\action\Response */
        $response2 = $controller->add();
        $this->assertEqual(302, $response2->status['code']);

        $this->assertEqual(3, count(Employees::all()));

    public function testDepartmentIsMandatory() {

        $this->assertEqual(2, count(Employees::all()));
        $request = new Request();
        $request->data = array('name' => 'Departmentless user');
        $controller = new EmployeesController(array('request' => $request));
        $response = $controller->add();
            'Please let us know what department this person works in.',
        $this->assertEqual(2, count(Employees::all()));

    // public function testEdit() {} // exercise for the reader!
    // public function testDelete() {} // exercise for the reader!

Gosh, there's a lot of code in there! It's not introducing anything new though so I suggest reading through the tests and making sure you follow what's going on. Once again, we're ending the session on every test - otherwise testDepartmentIsMandatory will work because the preceeding test leaves the user logged in, which is a very brittle way to test a system. Notice also that we pull in the Administrators fixture so that table is available to us.

Right, this should all work now! You should be able to do a complete test run which tests your entire system!

It's a good idea to check that your tests work on both the command line runner and the web runner which lives at /test.

I'm sure at this point you're positively gasping for something DIFFERENT to do! No problem - on to the next thing - error handling!