Coding standards

Now that we've got a couple of simple things up and running, we're going to introduce the concept of coding standards. Having a set of coding standards help us to write code in a consistent style and avoid common pitfalls.

There's a library called li3 quality which adds syntax checking to your /test area and also makes it available from the command line. Here's how I installed it, but check the Github page for specific instructions:

$ cd app/libraries
$ git clone
Cloning into 'li3_quality'...
remote: Reusing existing pack: 1950, done.
remote: Total 1950 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (1950/1950), 369.49 KiB | 335 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (978/978), done.
$ cd ../../
$ ./libraries/lithium/console/li3 quality syntax app

I've put it in app/libraries rather than libraries. Both should work.

Now, run a quick syntax check of the app:

./libraries/lithium/console/li3 quality syntax app

I'd suggest that any code you write should adhere to these standards. If you are writing plugins, libraries or soforth for Li3, or even committing back to core, it gives you a head start in getting accepted because you're doing things the same way as everyone else.

Take a few minutes to make sure your code meets the coding standards. Don't worry - I'll wait!

I ended up with:

$ ./libraries/lithium/console/li3 quality syntax app
Lithium Syntax Check
Performing 26 rules on 7 classes.
[OK] app\tests\cases\models\MockEmployees
[OK] app\tests\cases\models\EmployeesTest
[OK] app\tests\cases\controllers\EmployeesControllerTest
[OK] app\models\Employees
[FAIL] app\controllers\HelloWorldController
Line    Position    Violation
----    --------    ---------
11      -           Function "to_string" is not in camelBack style
11      -           Function "to_json" is not in camelBack style
[OK] app\controllers\HomeController
[OK] app\controllers\EmployeesController

(I moved MockEmployees into its own file - which is good practise! One class per file.)

See for full documentation of the li3 quality library - it's definitely worth getting to grips with!

Always make sure that you run your tests after any change!

Starting to declutter

You may notice that there are still a couple of problems in the HelloWorldController - I think we can just delete that one now, we're not using it :-) In fact, what else can we declutter? Onwards!