Querying models

We've built a complete application, but that's far from the whole story! We've glossed over a lot of topics, so let's delve into them a bit further!

Li3's models have a fair amount of reasonably powerful methods that use a bit of magic. Let's try some out!

We're going to create a new action on the user controller to allow us to look at a specific department. Open up app/controllers/EmployeesController.php and add the following method:

// ...
    public function donk() {
        $employees = Employees::find('all', array(
            'conditions' => array('department' => 'donk')

        return $this->render(array(
            'template' => 'index',
            'data' => array(
                'employees' => $employees
// ...

We've sorta hacked that in there so it dumps out all the employees who work in department "donk". If you don't have any, then create some! Now, if you go to /donk, you'll see some employees there.

Notice what we've done with the return array - we're specifying "use the same template as the index action" - or app\views\employees\index.html.php. This is great because we don't have to duplicate our template!


Try this now:

// ...
    public function donk() {
        $employees = Employees::findAllByDepartment('donk');
// ...

Notice that this code is now more semantic - that is, it communicates its meaning more explicitly. This takes advantage of the fact that Li3 models offer "find" *magic methods**.

Removing data

Let's say we wanted to sack everyone:

// ...
    public function sackall() {
        return $this->redirect('Employees::index');
// ...

That will remove all the Employees completely whenever you hit /employees/sackall - so be careful with the remove method!

Hey, this feels like a good place for a flash message, right? I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader :-)

If you just wanted to remove employees with department donk you could have:

// ...
    public function sackdonk() {
        Employees::remove(array('department' => 'donk');
        return $this->redirect('Employees::index');
// ...

Please note that remove* "magic" methods don't seem to be implemented in the same way as find* are

There is plenty more we can do with models!

More information can, of course, be found in the Li3 manual section on using models.