Validation - checking data

It's a common requirement to have some checks on data. For example, we might not want to save a member of Employee unless the department has been entered. Thankfully, in Li3, this is quite straightforward!

Tweak the model

Open up app/models/Employees.php and replace the validation array:

namespace app\models;

class Employees extends \lithium\data\Model {
    public $validates = array(
        'department' => array(
                'required' => true,
                'message' =>
                    'Please let us know what department this person works in.'
// ...

Tweak the controller

Next, edit app/controllers/EmployeesController.php and add the error checking:

// ...
    public function add() {
        $employee = Employees::create();
        if (($this->request->data) && $employee->save($this->request->data)) {
            return $this->redirect(
                array('Employees::view', 'args' => array($employee->id))

        $errors = $employee->errors();
        return compact('employee', 'errors');
// ...

Notice that the errors() method is automatically populated with any validation errors, should the save operation fail.

Tweak the view

Now, we're going to modify app/views/employees/add.html.php and add some error output:

<h2>Add new member of Employees</h2>

if (count($errors) > 0) {
    foreach ($errors as $error) {
        <p class="text-error"><?= $error[0]; ?></p>


Then, if you try to create a user with no department, you'll see something like this:


Sweet! This will break our tests, though, so what we're going to do is update our test so it states a department.