Getting help

"Don't be scared, homie!" - Nick Diaz

This book is by no means the only resource for learning Li3! (thank goodness!) That said, I plan to grow it over time and make it into a really comprehensive resource, so please do buy a copy!


IRC is a great place to get tips! Join #li3 on FreeNode IRC to chat about Li3 and get advice. There are thousands of IRC clients out there - I use a client called Smuxi, which serves me just fine!

Stack overflow

Stack Overflow a good place to ask questions, with the added benefit that it helps others in future who have the same problem!


In the chapter on "Getting involved" we talk more about Github, but suffice to say, most projects have issue trackers where you can log specific issues and ask specific questions. Be polite, it's real humans with real feelings answering these queries!

Use the source!

Li3 has some of the best documented source code I have ever seen. It's well organised and reads pretty darn well. It also has a very comprehensive test suite. Often, reading a test helps me to understand how a given bit of Li3 is meant to be used. Good stuff!